Air Force X, Y Group Exam Pattern
We have provided you the details of Exam pattern of the Airmen Group X & Y exam
Name of the Group |
Subject & No. of Questions |
Total Marks |
Exam Duration |
Airmen Group X | English:20 Questions Mathematics:25 Questions Physics: 25 Questions |
70 marks | 60 minutes |
Airmen Group Y | Reasoning & General Awareness:30Questions English: 20 Questions |
50 marks | 45 minutes |
Airmen Group X & Y | Mathematics: 25 Questions English:20 marks Reasoning & General Awareness:30 Questions Physics: 25 Questions |
100 marks | 85 minutes |
Note: There will be negative marking. For each correct answer, a candidate will be given 1 mark while for each wrong answer 0.25 marks will be deducted.
Air Force X , Y Group Syllabus
Below we have provided you the details of the syllabus of Indian Air Force Group X and Y Trade.
Air Force X Group Syllabus
Indian Air Force Group X Syllabus consists of 3 sections i.e. English, Mathematics, and Physics. You can check the detailed topic wise syllabus in the article below.
Air Force X and Y Group Syllabus for English
Here is the detailed syllabus of the English paper of Airmen Group X & Y exam, which consists of the following topics:
Comprehension Section of English
It will include a passage which is followed by some questions from Grammar Section of English. It will include the following sub-topics:
- Word Formation (nouns from verbs, adjectives, etc.)
- Proposition
- Determiners
- Noun & Pronoun
- Conjunction
- Adverb
- Modals
- Clauses (noun, adverb & relative clauses)
- Subject-verb concord
- Verb formation and error in their use
- Sentence transformation (simple, negative, compound, complex, etc.)
Vocabulary Section of English
This section will include the following topics:
- One-word substitution
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Spelling errors
- Idioms and phrases
Air Force X Group Math Syllabus
- 3-Dimensional geometry
- Application of derivatives
- Application of integrals
- Binomial Theorem
- Cartesian system of rectangular coordinates
- Circles and family of circles
- Complex numbers
- Conic sections
- Definite and Indefinite integrals
- Differential equations
- Differentiation
- Limit and continuity
- Linear Equations
- Linear programming
- Mathematical induction
- Mathematical reasoning
- Matrices and Determinants
- Permutation and Combination
- Probability
- Quadratic equations
- Sequence and series
- Sets, relations, and functions
- Statistics
- Straight lines and family of lines
- Trigonometric & Inverse Trigonometric functions
- Vector
Air Force X Group Physics Syllabus
- Laws of motion
- Communication System
- Trigonometric & Inverse Trigonometric functions
- Sets, relations, and functions
- Electronic devices
- Optics
- Sequence and series
- Kinematics
- Waves and Oscillations
- Physical-world and measurement
- The behaviour of perfect gases and the kinetic theory of gases
- Atoms and Nuclei
- Bulk matter properties
- Magnetism and Magnetic effects of current
- Radiation and Dual nature of matter
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Straight lines and family of lines
- Vector
- Work, Power, and Energy
- Electromagnetic induction and Alternating current
- Electrostatics & Current Electricity
- The motion of a system of particles and rigid body
- Thermodynamics
- Gravitation
- Statistics
Group Y Air Force Syllabus
Indian Air Force Group Y Syllabus consists of 2 sections i.e. Reasoning and General Awareness, and English. Aspirants need to thoroughly go through the General Awareness topics as it is a huge section. Check each section topic wise syllabus below.
Air Force Y Group Reasoning Syllabus
- Distance and Direction
- Number Simplification
- Area of triangle, square and rectangle
- Coding and Decoding
- Analogy
- Blood relations
- Number Puzzle and coding
- Non-verbal reasoning
- Odd one out
- Percentage
- Inserting correct mathematical sign
- Fractions
- Probability
- Mutual relation problem
- Assigning artificial values to mathematical digit
- Average
- Ratio & Proportion
- Simple Trigonometry
- Time, Speed and Distance
- Dictionary words
- Profit and loss
- Number Series
- Mathematical Operations
- Youngest, tallest relation-based questions
- Time sequence, Number and Ranking
- Volume & Surface area of cone, cylinder, cuboid, and sphere
Air Force Group Y Syllabus for General Awareness
- Current Affairs
- General Science
- Geography
- History
- Basic Computer Operations
- Civics